What are the important quality control criteria for SGC?
Not all SGC assemblies are created equal.SGC cable assembly
Scrupulous buyers of SGC cable assemblies recognize that a cable assembly that works fine today may not work well tomorrow, even if the electrical test data for each individual assembly looks great coming in the door. With the help of a microscope, a trained eye will notice the quality of the lazer stripping, to see if the cable jacket and insulation were damaged in places critical to the longer term performance of the cable assembly. Without proper equipment and training, an inexperienced and unskilled operator can compromise the cable in ways that will not show up until higher electrical speeds and mechanical stresses are introduced.
Another area to watch for is solder wicking of material back into the space between the dialectric material (extruded or tapped layer applied to the conductor) and the jacket. This can occur for a number of reasons, including excessive heat from over-exposure to high soldering temperatures, poor quality solder material used or bad fixturing.MCX cables,twin coax cable,oem cables.
A third area to watch for is solder bridging. This is easier to catch before product is shipped out the door, but can be indicative of other quality problems not as easily seen or tested for.
High volume cable assembly shops tend to base their quality on go/no-go yield rates. For them, if a few do not meet electrical performance criteria during test, they are scrapped. In volume applications, for consumer products mainly, a certain level of failure is considered acceptable. Lower volume, higher quality oriented shops who support higher speed applications for test/validation or instrumentation cannot afford any failures since their products are used in very costly applications. Shops who cater to these markets are more inclined to pay attention to the quality details that ensure top performance of the cable assembly for the life of the product.I-PEX 20455-040E,20455-030E,I-PEX 20474-030E,IPEX 20474-040E,I-PEX 20525-030E,IPEX 20524-030T
Quality issues emerge after a product hits the market when shock and vibration begin to degrade an already flawed assembly. It may not be evident at slower signal speeds, but will show as the signal speeds increase. If the cable assembly shop is approved by the manufacturer in the use of their connectors, the chances of failure are greatly diminished. I-PEX has a policy that requires potential cable assembly vendors to demonstrate competence. This ensures that their cable assembly manufacturers understand how to terminate their connectors to SGC properly.
MCT is a professional cable manufacturer, dedicating to SGC, Small Gauge Coaxial,MCX, micro-Coaxial LVDS cable, harness, wiring harness as well as providing manufacturing service on other wiring harness as well as other cable kits for LCD TV, power supply, Board to Board as well as other cable kits production, we provide the customization on the cable kits for our clients. So far, most of our cable kits was used in LCD products or LCD products related, like: laptop, LCD monitor, LCD AD player, Notebook, IPCs, Digital camera, PDA, LCD TV, GPS, we are concentrating our time and energy to provide high efficient, reliable and supreme quality signal transfer solution to our client.